Teenage bullying is a continuing epidemic in the 21st century. Here are some helpful resources that parents can use in handling this challenging phenomenon. Bullying is cruelty that is an aggressive act. It is a hurtful act by someone who believes he/she has more power in size, status, or strength than the victim. The bully also rarely accepts responsibility and often says that the victim "deserved" the hurtful treatment. What is a parent to do? How can you help your child who may be a victim, or worse yet, may be the bully?
We share several books that offer a variety of tips for talking with your teens and ways that parents can intervene to stop potentially dangerous situations. Teen anxiety is heightened when experiencing the ongoing impact of bullying. This behavior is showing no signs of slowing down and in the past years, bullying is on the rise. There are still many instances when children who are being harassed have found no alternatives and have committed suicide. Bullying is a real epidemic in our schools.
Any child resorting to bullying needs an immediate behavior intervention. And because bullying is a learned behavior, it can be changed.
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If you have questions about how to handle the stressful challenges of teenage bullying with your child, contact us. We will try to provide further information for your use.
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