At this time of financial uncertainty, you may feel a great deal of pressure making ends meet. Are you having to put an ever-present smile on your face --even though your thoughts are preoccupied with your financial challenges? I am here to suggest that you take a deep breath and relax. Let's talk about how you can take on a more strategic approach to dealing with your finances. It's difficult to always have a smiling disposition, so balance your emotional outlook with the reality of what is going on in your life. Here are some tips to try.
There may be on going financial discussions at work. There may be financial complaining going on when you meet with your family and friends. This can make you feel worse. Yes, most of the population is feeling some affect from todays money challenges. Even though these issues are touching our lives, we need to lower our anxiety. Be strategic about how you have the money talk.
Designate specific times when you talk about money and think of strategies to consider. Then stop talking about the doom and gloom and start acting. At work try to promote discussions that highlight money-saving ideas, coupon exchanges, barter opportunities and even ways to share gently used outgrown kids clothes. Encourage a sense of teamwork battling the financial challenges of today.
Make occasions when you can spend a little money as a well deserved treat. Start by setting aside a small amount of money each month that can be used for a fun diversion. Something that can be a fun, change of pace without costing a lot. Even if it is a $20 movie night or a trip to the zoo with the kids –enjoy! You can use personal finance software to help you with this.
If you find yourself listening to daily financial news and you constantly track the stock market or your 401K, stop it. This habit is likely to create more financial stress. Track something more inspiring on your computer and television.
Find someone with whom you can discuss the causes of your financial stress. It may be a good and trusted friend or a non-judgmental member of the family. You are looking for an objective listener. Find someone to talk with, without worrying that they may judge you. Talking is a great way to relieve anxiety and feel better about the situation.
If stress becomes extreme, consider professional help. Also if you are working with a company, check out their Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This is available through your company's Human Resources Department. It provides confidential counselling, legal and financial advice, and is often an under-utilized resource. Practice maintaining a more positive attitude, even in the tough times. Remember the Theory of Abundance? Although you may have less, you still have enough.
For further suggestions, please visit the author of the article, Kathy Jo Pollack. She is a Certified Life Coach, Trainer & Speaker. You can find her at you are considering options for developing financial opportunities, consider some of the resources listed below. Entrepreneurship opportunities are strong possibilities for the creative self-motivated individuals who wish to be in charge of their own destiny.
Try these financial business strategies if you are considering a home business or an entrepreneurial venture to supplement or replace your current income.
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