Change is a part of life. It's how you handle change that directly effect the outcome. Many times the changes in life that are most stressful are external events over which you may have no control. The causes of stress in your life change as you transition through different situations. What was stressful to deal with at one time in your life may cause little concern at another point in your life. Nevertheless, change happens.
Since life changes often are filled with stress, find a way to view this as a temporary situation you are moving through to reach a better phase of your life. Even if you are coping with a life transition, find people to help you move through this, so you can focus on a more positive future.
There are so many events that can trigger change in your life. You may be facing a change in career--one you initiated or one forced upon you. You may be a new empty nester or may be moving to a new location. Handling change also crops up for many when dealing with challenging health issues that cause you to worry, especially if the health diagnosis is troubling. Following are 4 stress management strategies to effectively handle change and produce positive results:
How you view the change in your life has a lot to do with how you handle change in your life. Your attitude is an important part of making the best of any situation. Stay upbeat and as optimistic as you can. You may not be able to control the changes in your life but you do how the control over your own attitude towards the change. Start by recognizing your inner fears and find ways to adapt your life accordingly. Use change as a learning experience to develop a better perspective about yourself, and what opportunities the future has in store.
When change occurs, stress often comes along for the ride. Stress overload can have a damaging effect on your health and if you are dealing with change, adding health issues only complicates matters. Even if you have little concern for eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep or exercising, make a daily effort to keep healthy habits. Daily routines can take the stress out of change. Having a well-maintained healthy body as you age can provide the will power and energy to move though this transition and still have energy to enjoy life on the other side of this change.
Some people handle change by hiding their fears, anxieties, or sadness from others and keeping these feelings deep within. During difficult life transitions--even navigating through divorce-- let others help you make the change less stressful and easier for you to handle. Even if you don't feel like it, get out and meet people who can help you maintain that positive attitude. They can provide you with motivation to move forward, handle change one step at a time, until you reach your goal.
As you work through your life transition and develop strategies to cope with your challenges, set realistic goals. Always focus on the future, with a attainable goal as your target. You are on a life journey that has its ups and downs. Life can be an adventure. Relish the change as an opportunity to grow!
Another resource, Path to Self-Improvement, has valuable information for your self-growth. This web site contains free self improvement tips, secrets and inside information that can help you to improve the quality of life.
Handling Change: An Interview with Kathy Jo Pollack
Handling Change: An Interview with Tisha Pelletier
Maintaining Self Esteem When a Relationship Ends
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