Dealing with Stress in Midlife

Midlifers, Stress Management

How do you deal with stress in midlife?  For many, there is the sudden realization that you still have a lot of life circumstances  to juggle as you also are experiencing many physical and emotional changes.  The normal distractions of life--such as the feeding, rearing and educating of children and the running of a household still provides challenges at times.  Your job has constant deadlines.  Additionally, you may be caring for an elder parent, or getting used to an empty nest

The ability to deal with stress in midlife becomes easier when you can leave minor distractions behind.  Life's big crises always cause stress.  Divorce, a death in the family, losing a job or crashing a car cause stress and anxiety.  But in midlife, when you thought that things might get a little easier, you often find yourself still climbing out of debt or still climbing the corporate ladder or assuming more caretaking responsibilities for aging parents.

Women at midlife provide more emotional support to others than during any other period of life.  At this stage in your life,  you may be taking care of both children and aging parents and dealing with menopause.  Things may not have turned out the way you envisioned they would.  Reasons like these are why stress in midlife can dramatically increase.

If you find that you do have extra time available, turn your energies into helping others.  You can volunteer at various service organizations. Do you like cats and dogs?  Humane societies are eager to have volunteers spend time  in socializing their animal population.  Are you a good communicator?  Maybe you can share your life experiences with others in order to help them through their tough times.  

Get out and stay active. Helping others is a great way to forget about your own stress and make a difference in other peoples' lives.  Boost your self-esteem as you lower your stress levels.

Midlife is a transitional period in our lives. You're eager for new beginnings--but not so sure of your approach with age, health, relationship and/or financial issues causing concern and sometimes limiting your choices.  At  Healthy Lifestyle Success, Caroline Shipsey offers more options to create that  healthy  lifestyle in midlife you are looking for.

There are many options for building a rewarding midlife experience.  This web resource also provides strategies to bring equilibrium into your mid-life transition.

Managing stress and anxiety may seem like a difficult challenge but these emotions are part of this transition.  You are entering a new stage of life that often requires you to re-examine what you have planned for your future.   Consider this time to be a new beginning and take advantage of the resources we have listed for your self-improvement!

Handling Caregiver Burnout

Finding Life Balance and Lower Stress in Midlife

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