Part of enjoying stress free living is having a realistic perspective about life and being able to see beyond the daily grind. Here are 5 ways that you can develop a renewed focus on your journey forward. Grab a tablet of lined paper and a pencil. Writing on paper gives you a personal connection to the process of evaluating and strategizing. And there is something really gratifying when you can cross things off a to-do list. Stress free living is a comfort zone that you can experience and enjoy.
Evaluate how you invest your time and energy each day. Complete the Wheel of Life exercise to get a better perspective. Are you spending your time in those areas of your life that you find most important? Can you eliminate things that are not important? Focus on the quality of your day’s activities rather than seeing how much you can get done in a day. Life shouldn’t be spent on autopilot. If you can set priorties using SMART Goals you are more likely to have time for family, professional life, your own personal goals while experiencing stress-free living. The time spent in these three areas of your life will vary depending on your stage of life, but life balance is having these three areas of life working in harmony.
Here is a strategy to align your skill set with your responsibilities at home and at work. On paper, make two columns. In the left hand column, list strengths you possess. In the right hand column, list abilities that you dislike or don’t do as well. Below the columns list the skills you use daily at home and in the office. Which activities are you involved in that do not use your best skills? Are you doing these activities because of others’ expectations?
Maybe you have a skill set that would be better suited to a different job or different activity. If you can match your skill set with your life goals and priorities, you will find your life to be more aligned. Actually, when your life activities do not reflect your core values, you may find that this produces additional sources of stress in your life.
It seems that tasks always take longer than you expected and many times you are overscheduled with no possible way to accomplish everything on your “to do” list. This is why well organized time management strategies are so important. The article, Time Management and Stress gives examples of how you can best utilize your time effectively, accomplish more of the important goals in your life, and enjoy stress-free living.
Another aspect of setting limits is saying, “No.” By not taking on more responsibilities than you can comfortably handle, you are setting healthy limits. By saying, “No” to less important things, you are preserving more time to your priorities. No need for guilt here. You are just being realistic and creating the stress free living that will provide you with the best sense of life balance.
Make time for your own rejunvenation. Learn how to relieve stress by finding time for quiet solitude away from the hustle and bustle. You won't have energy to take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. Don’t become the last item on your “to do” list. Stress free living doesn't mean handling everyone's problems first before attending to your own.
Also, develop a support network of friends who can be great comfort during both challenging times and celebration times. Support networks are helpful for reality checks and for problem solving. One of the best ways to reduce stress is sharing your life challenges with a best friend and there is no better person to help create a stress free life.
Live and embrace your passion. Are you following your dreams? Jot down a list of 5 things you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Life is a process meant to be enjoyed even as you move through life transitions. Be realistic in setting your goals and using your talents, then dream big and go after what makes you excited and motivated. Stress free living can include times of calm, but don’t forget to include times of adventure. So get out there—life is waiting.
Life Balance Can Lead to Stress Free Living
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