Are you living with a rebellious teen in your home? The behavior you are witnessing may be far different from what you may have witnessed just a few short years ago. Teen stress can cause a wide range of mood swings. As your child matures, she also is learning her independence and sometimes this can look a lot like defiance. Teens feel pressure from their schools, their friends and their families. It seems that stress is everywhere in their lives. for both the teen and the parent.
As your teen experiences hormonal changes, be on the lookout for times when she may be argumentative or she may exhibit great mood swings.
She may start challenging rules-- curfews, completing household chores, keeping her room tidy, taking care of pets or siblings.
Watch if there is a sudden change in physical appearance. It is not unusual to experiment with clothing styles, hair styles, makeup, however dramatic changes may be a sign of peer pressure.
School problems, such as a drop in grades or skipping school may indicate other priorities in her life. Watch that the rebellious teen is not experimenting with alcohol or drugs.
Practice honest communication with your rebellious teen. You may find these teen stress reducing tips helpful. During this challenging time in your and your teen's lives, stay honest and open. Take time to listen and offer non-judgmental advice.
Develop a set of household rules. They should be agreed upon, or at least understood by both you and your teen. Make certain that the consequences are understood and clear. It is helpful to include her input as you modify rules to reflect her maturation over time. A rebellious teen might be more likely to comply if she is involved in establishing the rules she is to live by.
Show respect. Showing respect for your teen's accomplishments, and don't compare her to other siblings. Let her be herself. Help her become capable of making realistic and responsible decisions. During these teen years of self discovery, make certain that your teen is aware of her talents, abilities and intellectual capabilities.
Parent Strategies to Help a Rebellious Teen
Helping with Your Teen's Stress
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