Being the object of bullying and peer pressure is never fun. But now cyberbullying is an anonymous way of taunting on the internet. The activity is vicious and dangerous. Victims can be so overcome by the horrific messages being spread on the internet that they find no recourse but removing themselves from the situation--even if it means committing suicide.
This generation has never know a world without smart phones, internet, Twitter, and Facebook. There are many advantages to these electronic features, but they also come with reminders that the web can be hurtful and destructive. Hurtful online posts or inappropriate digital photos can be destructive.
Cyberbullying messages can be sent from phones or computers and are purposely meant to be hurtful by providing information that is embarrassing or humiliating. These documents can stay on the internet forever and can provide long term problems when college admissions officers or future employers start to look at an individual's online reputation. And this is becoming a widespread activity with approximately 40% of our teenage population reporting that they have been a victim or promoted bullying online.
If you find that your child is anxious about bullying and talks about hurtful messages and cyberbullying or if you suspect that this might be happening, here are things you can do.
How to Handle Teenage Stress Overload
Important Article for Parents to Read
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