How can breathing and relaxation techniques contribute to a calmer and more productive you? When you reduce the tensions and stressors in your life, you are calm and capable of concentrating more on tasks you have to complete. You are more relaxed and able to enjoy the world around you.
Try adding deep breathing to help you relax, regain focus and stay energized. Deep breathing is an effective way to lower stress in the body. You may notice that when you are stressed, you experience increased heart rate, fast shallow breathing, and possibly high blood pressure, the opposite of relaxed deep breathing.
Slow deep breathing encourages a body response that actually calms you down. Under stress, you naturally begin rapid shallow breathing. This type of breathing that only uses the upper part of the lungs results in there being less oxygen and nutrients transferred to the blood and more carbon dioxide remaining in our lungs. This extra carbon dioxide sends a signal to our body and encourages an adrenalin reaction that increases anxiety. So, deep breathing and relaxation techniques can be a wonderful strategy to help us relax again and re-invigorate the body with enough oxygen.
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